It is with great excitement that we invite your child for our summer camp program. We have an action-packed lined up program this year that is sure to energize your child with a strong interest in learning and exploration. Our summer program includes Robotics, English Language Studies, Scientific Experiments, Quran and Fun Activities.

This feat is divided into two parts. The first course will take place on July 6-July 22 while the second course will be on July 23-August 8. We will have two sessions everyday – morning and evening. Morning session starts from 8:30 to 12:00 and the evening session is from 4:30 to 8:00.

FPS assures you that your stay with us will make you gain new friends, learn new knowledge and discover more yourself.

So what are you waiting for? Hurry!!! Register now. Only limited slots based on first come, first served. Registration open!













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