Philosophy: My Philosophy and Theory about English Teaching Teaching is a performance, a journey, and a battle. It is political, it is taxing, and its rewards are often not reaped until years later. A classroom requires quick thinking and reactions, and the modern teacher must 
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Philosophy:    I believe that with perseverance and hard work, students will rise to the occasion. Teaching is a process of learning from students, colleagues and parents, and I aim to bring a positive attitude, open mind and high expectations for my students into the 
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Philosophy: The wide variety of skills and techniques that the science and mathematics teachers employ to keep students organized, focused, attentive and academically productive are in consonance with their philosophies of education and teaching style preferences. Educational settings in many parts of the world continuously 
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Philosophy: The wide variety of skills and techniques that the science and mathematics teachers employ to keep students organized, focused, attentive and academically productive are in consonance with their philosophies of education and teaching style preferences. Educational settings in many parts of the world continuously 
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Philosophy: Ultimately, my role as a music educator is to facilitate learning and discourse and prepare students to be productive members of society. Through music, I will engage students in activities that require them to be creative, disciplined, flexible, and work cooperatively with others.
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Teaching philosophy: My theory as a teacher is to support and enlighten young minds, developing artistic and creative skills.
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philosophy: Achieving and maintaining health is an ongoing process, shaped by both the evolution of health care knowledge and practices as well as personal strategies and organized interventions for staying healthy.
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Philosophy:        “Problems around methodology are not only regarding how to transfer knowledge directly but also how to lead the students to do self-learning and seek informatio1. Therefore, an appropriate method will provide motivation for the students to continue their learning process. The 
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Philosophy:   “ The formation of a generation that adheres to its faith and values, is proud of its identity and language, creative, capable of continuous learning, in keeping with the demands of the times, through an effective educational environment.”
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