” Show and Tell Winner ” Show and Tell is an important part of a child’s learning development, as it helps them to organize information and build their confidence.   It’s also a great way to encourage a child’s interest in a particular topic and a 
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                                                        مسابقة تحدي القراءة العربي التي تنظمها مدرسة رواد المستقبل خلال العام الدراسي 2019/2020م –تنطلق المسابقة بداية من 
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After a grueling yet learning-packed two-week summer class, our students finally reaped the success of their labor. July 22 was the red-letter day for them as they successfully completed this milestone in their academic life. Well, we must say that they surely had an incredible 
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These incredibly talented students did not only bring laughter to the audience but they too impressed them with their knack in acting. Boisterous laughters were heard and thunderous claps burst thereafter. The show was indeed a spectacle to watch!
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FPS students are unstoppable dreamers. Like this song, they turn dreams to reality and nothing can stop them.
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A festive celebration took place at FPS dubbed as “Annual Day”, May 2 with the theme, “Reach for the STARS”. The entire school participated wholeheartedly towards the realization of this event. Apparently, the collective efforts of the whole team made this celebration a huge success. 
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It is with great excitement that we invite your child for our summer camp program. We have an action-packed lined up program this year that is sure to energize your child with a strong interest in learning and exploration. Our summer program includes Robotics, English 
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  “Come One, Come All” The Future Pioneers Private School will hold its “Annual Day” on 2nd May 2019 at the school grounds at 7:30 onwards with the theme “Reach for your Dreams”. This year’s “Annual Day” is a show of love to all the 
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The competition between the G2 and G3 students in memorizing multiplication table by two criteria (time and given marks), to encourage the students to memorize the multiplication table.
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Show and Tell Competition 2019 kg’s edition There’s nothing like a prop or an object to spark our little ones’ imagination- our students understand that objects have many stories to tell. Our students of Grades KG1 and KG 2 were at eager communicators at the 
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